Monday, May 11, 2009


What an arduous time this past year has been.
Thinking back it seemed like a veritable eternity since we had to leave the cavern when the DRC lost its funding. I remember how difficult it felt leaving behind all that I had experienced in D'ni; the people, the ages, and the things I learned, Just to return to a "normal" life on the surface. It was like I had lost an essential part of who I am and, despite my best attempts to move on with my life, I still cant help feeling that I'm missing something big.
However now things are changing, nothing solid or concrete though just rumors and rumblings of things going on beneath the surface. Hints that our exodus may soon be over and of a return to our cavern home.
Yet sometimes I consider myself a fool for putting such stock in such inconsequential rumors and hopes. If a man is told of a magic portal beneath a bridge it is more likely that he will end up neck deep in ice cold water then in a magical land. Despite what logic has to say though, I feel the need to return to D'ni.
I believe that I am truly feeling the call.


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