Monday, July 26, 2010


I got down here late yesterday evening but haven't been able to get anything posted until now,thankfully I had the foresight to bring a laptop with me when I left, As I have so much to do. I've arranged to meet with Whilyam sometime tomorrow and finalized some changes for the SR comic. I'll need to talk with him about arranging a little meeting with someone from SR to take a look at out work and while I'm at it see if I can find a place to recharge this thing. I have heard tell of people getting the KI to connect to the internet though so I may look into that as an alternate option.

Jevasi still needs to learn to speak D'ni

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Final Preparations

Obviously I wasn't able to make it down to the cavern yesterday, since I still up here posting this, too many thing got in my way. It wasn't all bad though I got to spend some time with the family which is always nice. On a shopping trip I stumbled across something that seemed like it would be useful down in the cavern, A baseball cap with three LED's and a power supply built into it. I of course bought it, and some extra battery's, for about twenty bucks and now I shouldn't have to worry about getting lost in the dark alleyways of D'ni. I even got the chance to try it out last night when a big storm his and we lost power. Anyway I 'm all packed for the journey down, this is actually the last thing keeping me from leaving, so I probably wont be able to post here again until later tonight, or tomorrow.

Winds of change blow from above.
Feel the wind, it will move you.

Jevasi out the door

Friday, July 23, 2010

This Time for Real

OK I realize that its been over two months since I last posted here and that I was last able to make it down to the cavern so I've probably been entirely forgotten. I also know that this is just one of many such post I've made here but this time I promise to follow it up. I'll try to make it down tomorrow or sometime this weekend and then the fun can begin in earnest.
